Do you always take responsibility for the things in your control? Most likely, you’re avoiding it at least a little bit. It makes sense why we want to resist or avoid responsibility when we hear that we have to be answerable and accountable for something within our control… nobody likes having too much accountability in their lives.

Surprisingly, I used to think that I wanted to be care-free and flexible and just do things whenever I want to do them. But I’ve learned that by taking responsibility, I actually have way more freedom and way more joy. If your desire to avoid ownership of your actions is holding you back, fear not because I am here to help! I’m going to give you the tools to identify when you’re skirting-around culpability and show you how this behavior stops you from contributing to solutions.

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This week’s episode is all about being decisive as a leader. We have all experienced that frustration when our leaders can’t reach a solid conclusion. As a school principal, your teachers and support staff rely on you to resolve issues in a definitive way.

I’m taking a slightly different approach to this episode. I’m going to talk you through some direct tips and instructions to overcome indecision. I also have a story from a friend about her experience with a leader who just wouldn’t put their foot down, which will help you relate to what a pain this can be.

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It’s that time of year when you’ve been working hard as a school leader for months, summer is on the horizon, and your workload is mounting. We’re wearing down, our staff is getting tired, we’re getting tired, the kids are getting tired… and many administrators start thinking about… quitting.

I want to explore what is happening in our minds when we think about leaving our job and whether getting the hell out is really the right call for you. We’re going to utilize what we learned last week about awareness of the essential self and the social self to help decide what the right outcome is for you in this situation!

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This episode is all about operating as our essential self, balanced with our social self. Often we find ourselves caught between what we think we should do and what we actually want to do.

This week, you’re going to learn how to use your two selves to achieve real fulfillment in your life and work. I have prepared two activities to set you on the road to creating the life you really desire for yourself.

This is an idea that was essential to building the life that I have today. This lesson changed me from believing that I had to work for somebody else in a job I trained for, into what I have now, waking up every morning knowing that I’m creating a life that is working for me.

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When you think of what you value in a leader, what comes to mind? What I find is that most of us just want to feel appreciated by those in leadership positions. And in my experience, I can unequivocally state that showing up every day exuding positive energy made an incredible impact on my teams.

This episode is all about how we can consciously choose to show up with enthusiasm and how that shift can help those around us feel more appreciated. I share what a difference it makes when we choose to bring enthusiasm into our work as educators. Even if you don’t consider yourself an “enthusiastic person,” you’re going to learn how you can create that energy for the benefit of the people you work with.

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This week, I’m celebrating the milestone of reaching my 10th episode! I’ve decided to dedicate every 10th podcast to somebody who has greatly impacted my life! In this episode, I’m bringing you all the truly valuable lessons I’ve learned from the wonderful Byron Katie.

I’m going to share with you how Byron Katie helped me through some incredibly challenging times. I’m taking this week to tell you all about my love for Byron Katie’s work, giving you the opportunity to find the same value in all the self-discovery she has provided me.

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Previously on The Empowered Principal Podcast, we’ve spoken about action and inaction. Today, we’re looking in depth at a big part of that subject: procrastination. Procrastination stops us from getting things done, not least because playing a game on our phones, in the moment, brings us palpable satisfaction.

We all procrastinate at some time or another when we should be taking action. In this episode, I’m diving into the reasons why we genuinely think procrastination is bringing us pleasure. I also share some tips for identifying when we’re procrastinating and how to overcome it using the same thought process that your brain uses to allow you to procrastinate in the first place. Read more

This week on The Empowered Principal Podcast, I’m going to discuss one of the most limiting beliefs a person can have – there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it.

I’ve been studying time management from various angles and I want to provide you with some of the methods that have helped me, especially in the field of education.

Time is a deeply rooted belief system, and in our work lives, it’s easy to think that there is way too much to do in the time we have. As time runs out, we get filled with dread. But I’ve come to understand that limited time is NOT a problem for me, and it shouldn’t be for you either.

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This week, I was planning on talking about time management, but as I was working on the original topic, today’s episode emerged instead. I felt compelled to share it with you immediately as it is something I am currently experiencing.

I’ve been studying life coaching for some time, but it’s only recently that I’ve decided to share what I’ve learned with others. I held back because I feared criticism and failure. Today, I wanted to talk about this fear because I know that many of you are also holding onto talents and passions that you could be sharing with the world.

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Over the last few episodes of The Empowered Principal Podcast, we’ve been delving deeper and deeper into how to use the STEAR Cycle in taking a new approach to decision making. Last week, we discussed how our thoughts trigger our emotions and how these emotions drive the way in which we approach a situation.

By this point, you will have a good idea of how the STEAR Cycle can help you in your work of becoming the best principal you can be, but there’s one last component to share with you.

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