The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Three Kinds of Hard

I coach school leaders all day long on how hard this job is. And from personal experience, I can relate. School leadership is hard. However, as I listen to my principals share the difficulties they’re facing in their day-to-day, I had a revelation about the kind of hard they’re experiencing, and I’m sharing it with you on this episode.

Most of us are hooked into the belief that anything that requires more effort than we think we can expend is hard. But have you ever stopped to consider what your definition of hard means? What is it about school leadership that’s hard for you? And how can we make it less hard?

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | The Courage to Lead an Antiracist School with Dr. Daman Harris

Antiracism is a topic I don’t personally speak on because it’s not my area of expertise as a white educator. However, it is something I feel extremely passionate about. I believe antiracism is a daily mindset practice that is always growing and evolving with us. To guide us through what it means to lead an antiracist school, this week, I’m speaking to Dr. Daman Harris.

Daman Harris, Ph.D., is a trailblazing expert in educator retention and antiracist leadership. Dr. Harris is an experienced teacher, coach, principal, district administrator, adjunct professor, speaker, writer, and consultant. His first book, The Antiracist School Leader, articulates a big-picture framework and research-based actions for bringing the power of antiracist education to your school, and he’s here to show us how to have courageous conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Teacher Hiring Journey

Fall is going to be here before we know it, which means you’re probably getting ready to hire your next round of staff members. If you are currently preparing to hire and onboard new teachers to your school, I’ve got some words of wisdom for you this week that I implore you to consider.

I’ve explored the HR side of hiring, attracting, and retaining your ideal teachers to your school in previous episodes of the podcast. However, I’m taking a different approach this week. On this episode, I’m inviting you to think about the hiring journey from the perspective of the teacher you might potentially hire, and I’m showing you why this matters more than you think.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | End of Year Planning

I’ve been coaching many school leaders just like you on the fatigue, dreariness, and lack of motivation they have been experiencing recently. The winter dip is real, and most of you are in testing season and conducting teacher observations right now, looking ahead to the end of the school year when you can finally take a breather.

Before we reach those warmer, brighter, and longer days, you first need to address your end-of-year planning. Whether you’re someone who loves planning so much that you get caught up in the details or someone who intends to plan but gets overwhelmed by the busyness of your job as a leader, I’ve got you covered this week.

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