At your school, do you go through your year being dragged from pillar to post by vendors, parents or your school district? It’s a problem as old as time which can make focusing on the big picture stuff a real difficulty. However, now we’re approaching the end of the school year, now is the best time to start maintaining your focus and planning with purpose.

As school leaders, our work is littered with new opportunities popping up and people vying for our attention. Some things seem important, but are they really contributing to your wider vision for your work?

In this week’s show, I impart the wisdom I’ve collected – with an analogy from my former superintendent – about how to keep going toward the outcome you set out to achieve, even if it means changing course in order to make it.

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When you’re having a bad time at work, do you find yourself pointing the finger of responsibility at the actions of the people you work with? We’ve all been through the scene – we’re talking to our friends and making our work environment sound like everyone is out to make life miserable for us – that we’re somehow the victim and there is something fundamentally wrong with everyone who makes us angry.

We often struggle to find compassion for those we believe are wronging us, believing that if we feel compassion, we are condoning their actions. But whenever we choose to approach a situation that feels extremely negative to us by condemning another person, we are actually putting that same energy out into the world.

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Welcome to The Empowered Principal Podcast. Every tenth episode, I am paying tribute to my greatest teachers and influencers. And with this being the 20th episode, I have some words of gratitude for one of the people who has been a huge influence in shaping my journey as a coach and my life as a whole – the awe-inspiring Dr. Martha Beck.

This week, I want to share some of my personal gratitude and love for Martha, along with some stories of how her teaching has influenced the ups and downs of my life. If it wasn’t for Martha, I honestly don’t know where I’d be today. Her advice has gotten me through the past few years, so this is my way of saying a massive thank you.

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We generally have an idea of the kind of principal we want to be when we finally receive the news that we have achieved the position. It’s usually exactly what we ourselves appreciated in a leader before we made it to the top. But it can be challenging when your vision and expectations don’t match up with the results you’re getting in your school.

This week’s show is a little different. I have two stories, based on true events, for all you educational leaders. I’m hoping these stories will help you in taking full ownership of the results your principalship is yielding.

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I don’t think there is a human being on this planet who looks forward to receiving criticism. As school leaders, everything we do is scrutinized; by parents, students, and staff. It really is part of being a principal that we know all too well.

Getting public negative feedback is a common fear among humans, which can lead to us holding back and not being our most authentic selves. However, if we’re not willing to be vulnerable in standing up and taking responsibility in this way, we are not being the most empowered leaders that we could possibly be.

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