At the very core of helping school leaders manage the demands of their job is the ability to expand our resiliency. We use this phrase all the time when referring to students and teachers, but when we become a school leader, we’re expected to handle everything with superhuman poise and grace. That, my friends, is unrealistic.

This concept is the very core of my coaching practice and today, I’m giving you the tools to maintain and expand your emotional resilience in your position, allowing you to be the empowered leader that you know you are. Using the STEAR Cycle, together we can prepare you for anything the school day might throw your way.

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We’re now well into the beginning of the school year and I’ve no doubt you’ve experienced the full range of emotion that comes packaged with this experience. New parents, students, and teachers can make this time of year a real challenge… for everyone. And, especially if you’re also a new school leader, it can be very difficult to know how is best to approach the situation.

Leading your team and student body through this time can be a real humdinger, so this week on the podcast, I’m discussing the virtues of displaying vulnerability on the job. Some people assume that the people following you want you to be a hard exterior of self-assuredness, but the truth may surprise you.

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Right before I recorded this podcast, I had the most eye-opening conversation with my business coach. During our session, by listening to my body, I was able to discover something truly amazing about my past that made me feel free. It became so clear to me that our thought work is never complete, especially when dealing with thoughts we’ve been holding onto for years.

This episode is going to be short, but what I have learned today about my own life has had a deep emotional impact, completely freed me, as well as changed how I will look back on my career forever.

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I’m going to share a concept with you today about leadership that you may have never considered until you listen to this week’s episode of The Empowered Principal Podcast. I completely understand that your initial thought, like mine, may be, “What?” Oh, but once you get it, you’re going to be so much more empowered!

I’m talking about shifting your perspective to see that leadership is selling. You’re selling yourself, your ideas, your approach, your authenticity, your enthusiasm, and your style. As a matter of fact, every interaction in life is a sale: You are either selling or you are being sold to. Yes, even as a principal.


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