The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Leaving School Leadership

Last month, I led a webinar all about leaving school leadership. It might seem like it doesn’t make much sense for me to guide people through the process of leaving their roles in education, but I did it in my own life. Whether you’re hating your job right now, or you’re unsure if it’s what you want for your future, know that I’ve been in your shoes and I know exactly what you’re going through. 

We want to enjoy the Monday through Friday of our lives. We don’t want to dread every Sunday evening as it comes to a close, and we don’t want to be consumed day and night by how life isn’t fun anymore, or how we’re not making any progress professionally. So today, I’m inviting you to dig deep as I help you get clear on what you want moving forward. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Test Score Anxiety

There’s so much stress and anxiety around standardized tests that creep up at this time of year. I know so many school leaders, teachers, and students spend precious time and energy ruminating about upcoming tests and what it means, and today, I want to offer that living in this test score anxiety isn’t the best way for you to show up for your community as principal. 

When educators believe raising test scores is the one and only priority, it’s no surprise we focus solely on the test. Sure, it has significance and I’m not downplaying its importance. However, the truth is that coming at test scores from fear and pressure not only increases anxiety for your entire school, but it also doesn’t make test scores go up.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Creating Teacher Buy-In

As a school leader, you see the big-picture vision for your students, staff, and overall community, which mostly involves implementing new practices or instructional topics for your school. But doing this is often met with resistance, and teachers aren’t always 100% sold on your ideas. So, how do you create teacher buy-in?

This is a topic that comes up a lot in my coaching work, and this week, I have a story that comes directly from one of my clients that I’m using for context so you can apply what I’m sharing to your situation. Whether you’re not yet confident in your decision-making as a principal, or you’re unsure of how to sell your teachers on your vision, we’re covering it all on this episode. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Staffing Decisions

The months of February and March are when school leaders often have to start making staffing decisions. With the past couple of years we’ve had, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of teacher resignations, and the institution of education as a whole is in a rebuilding period. And if you’re struggling as a school leader, you’re not alone. 

Whether it’s filling more spots than usual due to your teachers leaving, spinning in drama about staff coming and going, or there’s conflict on your team and you’re unsure of what to do to resolve it, I’m covering it all. I know that if this is what my clients are dealing with, you are too, so I’m helping you make informed decisions about your staff on this episode. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Creating Demand

I told you at the beginning of 2022 that I’m going to be spending time talking about how you can earn more in school leadership, and today is that day. So many school leaders believe they don’t have any control over their income, but the great news is that this is simply a myth, and I’m showing you why.

Creating demand as a school leader is an incredibly important skill to cultivate if you want a higher income. But whether it’s more money, time, or whatever brings you joy, it all starts with predetermining what you want, examining your beliefs, and getting busy expanding your portal of possibility. 

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