The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Slowing Down on Purpose

I’ve been having several conversations with my clients lately where they’ve voiced their struggles about summer coming to an end and getting back into full work mode again. For some of you, this time of year gets you revved up and filled with energy, but for others, you’re finding yourself on edge and overly exhausted.

So, this week, I’m inviting you to slow down on purpose. This might sound strange, considering you’re just getting back to work and probably feel pumped and ready to be super productive, but I promise this is going to be the perfect episode to keep coming back to when you inevitably feel like you need a reset.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Building a Resourceful Staff

Wouldn’t it be so great if we had staff and teachers who weren’t solely dependent on us for the answers and solutions to every problem on campus? 

As leaders, it’s our job to empower our staff and create a culture of resourcefulness. But while this sounds great in concept, it doesn’t happen often enough. We want teachers contributing new ideas and being valuable members of our schools, in turn enhancing our legacy as a leader, but there are a few obstacles that get in the way, and I’m laying them out today. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Leading Untrustworthy Colleagues

Last week, we talked about building the school year on trust as a leadership tool, and we’re continuing on our topic of trust this week. The reality of trust is that for some of us, trusting others comes naturally and easily, while for others, it’s a real challenge. So what do we do when there are untrustworthy colleagues in our work environment? 

The truth is that you do not have to trust every single human on campus in order to be an effective leader. If there is currently distrust between you and your colleagues, peers, district admin, or anyone in your sphere, faking it is simply not going to work. But I’ve got an alternative solution for you this week. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Trust as a Leadership Tool

Over the summer, so many of my clients have been coming to me saying they were revved up, riding a wave of adrenaline while they finished out the year. They experienced peace over the beginning of summer break, but now we’re toward the end of summer and their minds have started worrying about next year. And some of my clients could not turn it off at all.

So this got me thinking, what is the opposite of worry and fear? How can we enjoy our summer without responding to the urge to work? And I realized, in those moments when I’m not worried at all, it’s because I’m trusting that things are going exactly the way they’re supposed to. And the best part about all of this is that you can intentionally create this trust and use it as a leadership tool. And I’m showing you exactly where to start with this work.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Interview Preparation and Landing Your Dream Job with Kate

I am featuring another one of my wonderful clients on today’s show. Kate is a brand new principal, and the coming year will be her very first in this position. And I know so many of you are in the same situation or are working towards where Kate is, so her insights into the interview preparation that landed Kate her dream job are going to be so valuable.

I’ve been working with Kate for a few months now, and she came to me when she was in the process of applying for the role that she has now, and how she worked on her mindset and leadership capacity to position herself as the leading candidate is a great example of how to do this work. So if you’ve got your eyes on the top job, you need to listen to Kate’s story.

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