The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | The Skill of Self-Forgiveness

As the academic year comes to a close, it’s not unusual to find ourselves dwelling on our shortcomings and perceived failures. After all, as leaders, we inevitably stumble, let our emotions get the better of us, utter the wrong words, or fail to meet our objectives. That’s where the profound power of self-forgiveness comes in, a skill too often overlooked.

If you’re a perfectionist, relentlessly driving yourself to do more and better, and struggling with self-love, this episode is a personal message to you. I understand the relentless pursuit of achievement and the insatiable drive for excellence. If this resonates with you, mastering self-forgiveness is a critical part of your journey.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Getting Yourself to Plan in Advance

I’m someone who loves planning in advance. Nothing feels better than having my calendar fully mapped out or my travel plans booked early. However, sometimes life creeps up on me, and I find myself doing things in the moment, feeling messy and scattered.

There are times when I’m super planned and organized, feeling ahead of the game, and other times when unexpected things pop up that I hadn’t planned for, leaving me feeling behind. If getting yourself to plan in advance brings up dread and resistance for you, know that you’re not alone. The good news is that initiating momentum is the hardest part, and I’m showing you how.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | When You Feel Taken Advantage Of

Do you have relationships in your life where you have a hunch that you’re being taken advantage of? Maybe someone is gaslighting you, manipulating your thoughts and feelings, or perhaps they’re asking you to overdeliver, overwork, or overextend yourself without reciprocating.

If you identify as someone who gets taken advantage of or generally feel like people approach you with the intent to hurt you, listen in. Usually, when we feel taken advantage of, we either dismiss it or stew on it, and both options hold us back. This is a very disempowered way to lead and live your life, so what can we do about it?

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Allowing an Urge

Does it feel like your urges have complete control over your life? Are you eating more than you’d like? Do you find yourself staying up watching Netflix when you said you would go to bed earlier? Are you answering emails, even when you said you wouldn’t check them?

We all experience that feeling of tension in our bodies where we have one thought convincing us to do one thing, and another thought telling us not to. This conflict in your mind generates intense and uncomfortable energy that we often want to release by just giving in. Unfortunately, this is exactly how unwanted habits are formed.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Let Ease Come to You

My brain loves to frolic in the place of thinking about my clients. I spend a lot of time wondering how to make things easier for them, how to get them better results faster, and the best ways to model empowered leadership. As leaders, we often think about what the right, responsible, or proactive thing to do is, and I find myself in this energy often.

If you’ve ever felt spun out by your drive to get ahead of the game, whether professionally or personally, know that you’re not alone. The energy of being swift about our actions and wanting to do the right thing can feel empowering, but if you look underneath the surface, you might see that it’s not coming from an entirely clean place.

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