Oh, my gosh, we are at episode 100! To mark this momentous occasion on the podcast, I’ve got a special treat for you this week. I have Daniel Bauer on the show, the mastermind behind Better Leaders Better Schools. I’m so happy to have Daniel here and I know he’s going to have a ton of amazing insights for you.

Daniel has had an amazing journey up until this point. As is the case with so many school leaders, Daniel got to the top of his profession and was disappointed with the lack of professional and personal development opportunities for school leaders, so he started his mission to cultivate better leaders while still in the job of principal and has not looked back.


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We’re continuing the subject of time scarcity this week with some of the easiest to digest work on the subject. However, it is also some of the trickiest work to implement in your professional and personal life. All of these time fails are going to make sense to you, but you will definitely experience some pushback from your brain, so it’s time to get to work.

The process of thought work around time scarcity is never finished. I find myself having similar conversations with my coach week after week. The work is hard, but it’s also incredibly worthwhile and you will be astounded at what you can achieve when you implement what I’m sharing today.


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Over the last couple of episodes, we’ve been talking about time management, specifically about getting your mindset in the right place about what you have to do and how long you have available to do it. This week, we’re bringing that work together with some real actionable tips for making the most out of the time you do have.

Our to-do lists can be pretty intimidating, and especially if it’s all up in your head, it becomes an all-consuming monster that you can’t stop thinking about. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way and I can’t wait to share with you how you can put your to-do list into perspective and give yourself the best chance of getting everything completed.


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The thought that there is just not enough time in the day to get all of our things done is present in the minds of, I would say, all educators in America. It doesn’t matter if you love your job and you wish the days were longer so you get to spend more time doing it, or that you think your day is so busy already that there is no way you could fit anything else in, time scarcity is incredibly prevalent.

The thing about our perception of time is it’s just that: our perception. Our beliefs around how much time we have really do affect the way we work, and without us even knowing, have us making poor decisions that could actually make us less efficient.


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