The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Allowing Joy

Do you think being in a leadership position means you must sacrifice yourself in favor of productivity and success? Where in your life do you feel like you can’t embrace moments of joy?

My clients often find themselves judging the things that bring them joy in their lives, whether big or small. They may believe it’s too trivial or luxurious to experience joy and happiness, and as a result, they deny themselves what is inherently their right as humans. The truth is that expanding your capacity for joy is a practice, and you might be using a lack of joy as an excuse for not having the experience you desire.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Handling Public Scrutiny

As a school leader, you are a public figure. As a public figure, people believe they have the right to scrutinize you for any misstep or mistake you make. This is something you may face at some point in your career if you haven’t already, and it can be an extremely scary experience.

We are wired for connection and belonging as humans, and being publicly scrutinized can make us feel like we’re being ostracized and isolated. I want to reassure you this week that it’s okay to be a human who makes mistakes and show you what you can do when nothing in your external world feels safe.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Creating Compassionate Norms

Today’s episode is a quick, down-and-dirty conversation about how to plan out norms. We’re already in October, but we still have time to establish and revisit norms in our schools. I’m giving you a strategy I use with my clients when it comes to planning out norms and getting others to follow them from a place of compassion.

Discussions about norms are one of those things that make people roll their eyes. You do them every year, and it can feel like they don’t matter. However, they establish a standard and expectation for collaboration and meeting behaviors, and they’re super important for getting things done. It’s time to talk about creating compassionate norms.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Women Leaders: Be Seen, Heard, and Taken Seriously Dr. Payal Patel Ghayal

As a school leader, you may find yourself in a constant cycle of giving endlessly. Do you believe you haven’t done enough for your school, even if you feel like you have nothing left to give? Whether it’s your staff, students, the district, school board, or state, are you telling yourself it’s always someone else’s turn to be seen and heard before you? 

Women leaders, and especially women leaders of color, tend to feel less seen, heard, and taken seriously as leaders. My guest on the show this week is certified life coach and Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Payal Patel Ghayal, who is an expert in helping Brown women advocate for themselves. Her mission is one that speaks to me deeply, and we’re here to have a conversation about taking back control over your mental, physical, and emotional needs.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | 5 Strategies to Avoid the Fall Dip

It’s October, which means it’s a beautiful month of colorful leaves, costumes, and candy, but for school leaders, it’s one of the most exhausting times of the year. The fall dip is hitting schools left, right, and center, so in today’s episode, I’m showing you what you can do when you start experiencing the fall dip.

You’ve been going full blast since July, hiring, onboarding, planning, preparing, meeting, and getting things moving. October comes around and things are humming, but we’re exhausted. So, if you want some tips for getting through this tough month, this is the episode for you.

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