The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Generating Connection in 2 Steps with Erika Gutierrez

My guest this week is one of my favorite clients, Erika Gutierrez. She’s been in education for 13 years, and she’s a second-year lead principal for an elementary school. One of the first things I help my clients with is aligning their work to their values, and I’ve invited Erika on today because her primary leadership strategy is connection, and she’s done an amazing job of cultivating authentic relationships with her entire school, campus, and community.

If I had to assign Erika a superpower, it’s most definitely connection and relationship building. She holds so much capacity for vulnerability and embodies so much love, and this is truly how she shows up in everything she does. If creating connections is something that feels scary to you or something you don’t think you’re good at, you’re going to gain so much value from listening to Erika, who has beautiful thoughts about connection that help her approach everyone with love and compassion.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Life Coaching Tools for Communication and Connection with Kari Ann Atkinson

We’ve been talking about the subject of connection in leadership throughout March, and my guest this week has some truly unique insights to offer, both in the field of education and in personal development.

Kari is an in-demand certified life coach alongside her job as a tenured college professor. And as a mom with two young adult daughters, including one with special needs, she fully understands the unique challenges and struggles that parents in similar situations face. Kari uses all of these experiences to help her clients achieve their best life possible through working on their relationships, managing overwhelm, and reducing anxiety.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Choosing Connection as a Leadership Strategy with Jodi Schilling

In my commitment to creating more connection this month, I’ve been speaking to so many people who are in turn creating value for you through this podcast, and my guest today is no different. Scheduling time for connection on my physical calendar every single week has been so gratifying because it’s so easy for us as school leaders to put it on the back burner, and I hope this conversation shines a light on how important prioritizing it really is for expanding your impact and influence.

By day, Jodi Schilling is an assistant principal for an online education program, and by night, she’s a certified life coach for moms wanting happy and healthy families. She has been an educator for 22 years, with six years of school leadership under her belt, and her work as a coach focuses on giving mothers permission to feel confident and relinquish the need for total control over their kids, which I’m sure you can relate to.

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Improving Your School’s Performance Through Authentic Connection with Natalie Wilson

Throughout the month of March here on the podcast, we are discussing the profound and lasting impact of connection. And in this week’s episode, were going to hear from a former teacher and instructional coach, and current life coach, on how we can cultivate the kind of connection with our staff and students that will bring an amazing energy to your school and have it performing in ways you never imagined possible.

Natalie Wilson is back on the podcast and what she has to share with us today is going to change the way you think about connection forever. It’s so natural as educators and leaders for our brains to look toward data, schedules, and discipline to yield results. But through some personal experiences and stories, Natalie is giving us a different perspective and one I believe the whole educational world needs to hear.

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The Value of Connection

So much of my work revolves around connections, and the more connections I make, the more people I am able to serve. As a school leader, the same is true for you. So, throughout the month of March, we’re taking a deep dive into connection, starting this week with how you connect with yourself.

As a coach, my mission is to help all of you as school leaders to fully believe in the value of internal connection, alignment, personal development, and to make clear how focusing on beliefs over actions is the missing link in our education programs today. And what I have today is a huge part of showing you that the work of becoming an empowered leader starts in the mind.

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