Stop Worrying About Money with Keina Newell

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the importance of an abundant mindset when it comes to money, and my guest this week has the perfect insights for us. Keina Newell has a history in education, having been a vice principal. She is also the founder of Wealth Over Now, where she works with professional women and solopreneurs to create new possibilities with their money so they can save more, pay off debt, invest in themselves, and stress less about money.

Keina has some incredible insights into the positive changes you can make in your school once you get clear on your personal finances. She is so passionate about her work and finds no greater satisfaction than helping her clients start managing their money with joy because they’ve learned to feel possibility where they once felt shame, guilt, overwhelm and anxiety. And I know from personal experience how debilitating those emotions can be as a school leader.

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Identifying Your Money Motivators with Adam Day

Something I’ve been working on and one of the skillsets I’ve wanted to build in myself is truly understanding my money and the behavioral finance element behind it. I have the perfect guest to talk to us about this today. I’m so excited to introduce you to my personal financial planner, Adam Day.

As school leaders, knowing how to approach money and manage the resources available isn’t exactly taught to us and it definitely wasn’t on my radar when I was a principal. Figuring out budgets can be extremely complicated, and it’s no surprise if you find yourself hoarding money or spending money to the detriment of your school’s finances. The way we think about our resources has a huge impact on the way you make decisions and lead your school, and this is what we’re diving into today.

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Time Abundance

Last week, I gave you an overview of what abundant thinking is and how to actively practice it. Today, we’re turning our attention to thinking abundant thoughts around our time, which is one of our top three assets. This is something so many new leaders struggle with, and so today I’m helping you transform how you approach your time.

So many leaders believe that the key to creating more time in their schedule is using a particular calendar or planner, but I’m going to save you years of time and energy today by telling you that neither of these are the answer. Instead, I’m focusing on how your belief systems are creating cognitive dissonance, and how your brain reacts to overwhelm and confusion when it comes to your tasks.

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Abundant Thinking

October is here, which means we’re diving into a new theme on the podcast. We’re going to be talking about a topic that I’ve wanted to bring up for so long in the context of education, so I’m very excited to introduce you to a concept called abundant thinking.

When you’re a school leader, especially a new one, your brain is on constant guard, knowing that there are going to be scary moments along the way. You may live your life worrying about everything you don’t have yet and everything you wish you had, but learning the practice of abundant thinking is going to be the thing that helps you lead with confidence, clarity, certainty, and calmness.

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