The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Leading Through an Emotional Tsunami

I hope you all had a fun break from school over Thanksgiving. But today, we’re talking about something that’s not fun: the emotional tsunami that we are experiencing in schools. Last week was all about building up your emotional resiliency so you can lead others, and today we’re discussing how you can apply this work to help your students and staff through their emotional experience.

I’m seeing some definite trends around how teachers and students are showing up at the moment, what the principals are going through, and how all of this has impacted education as a whole. And now is the time to regroup because this job is not going to get any easier on its own.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Culture of Resilience

Right now, many teachers are reporting to me that they’re worried about their teachers. They’re seeing low morale and toxic behavior. Now, the problem here isn’t necessarily your staff. The truth is, your staff are tired, fatigued from change, and their resilience is at an all-time low. So, what can you do about it as their leader?

Your teachers are feeling the burn, and they’re seeking out others who feel it too in the search of validation, and they’re feeding off that negativity. They’re looking to you for a solution. Now, the choice is yours. You can either meet them with the same frustration, or you can show them some compassion and understanding, and ultimately help build a culture of resilience during these difficult times.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Data Meetings

I recently had a phone call with one of my clients, and the conversation we had was so insightful and relevant for this time of year, so I knew I had to bring the topic to the podcast. So, this week, we’re discussing planning data meetings.

Many of you school leaders have decided to meet with your grade levels or individual teachers to have conversations around student data. This is what my client needed help with. I helped her plan her data meetings, and I’m sharing that process with all of you because, when you can predetermine the outcome that you want to create from these meetings, you’ll feel so much more at ease around them.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Leading While Grieving

There will be times throughout your leadership career where you will have to lead your school while deeply personally grieving. There might be something going on in your family, perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, and you’ll need to face your school community and stand in leadership through it all.

Today’s discussion is based on my own personal experiences and those of my clients, and I know that if we need this, you do too, so I hope you lean on this resource any time it feels relevant. Not caring for yourself during an emotionally trying time can hugely debilitate your capacity to lead, so I want to offer some tools today that will help you any time you feel unable to show up. 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | The 50:50 Challenge

Over in the Empowered Principal Facebook group: Emotional Support for School Leaders, I’ve decided to create a monthly challenge that revolves around the theme we’ll be working on for the month. The month of November is going to be the 50:50 challenge, which you’ll hear all about in this episode.

As a leader, there are definitely good times, but you will also face countless challenges. And sometimes, the difficulties you experience will feel like they outweigh the fun parts. But the truth is, it’s meant to be challenging sometimes, and it’s meant to be easy sometimes, and the 50:50 challenge is all about embracing both the positive and the negative parts of leading a school so you can be the most effective leader you can possibly be.

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