The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Deciding Ahead of Time

We are in week four of the Mid-Year Reboot, and today we’re talking about deciding ahead of time, predetermining our outcomes in advance. This applies to the experiences we want to create and the goals we want to achieve in our professional and our personal lives.

Deciding ahead of time requires that we look into the future and really push ourselves to imagine what could be possible and how good things could possibly be. I know this might sound uncomfortable, but don’t worry because I’m giving you all of the how in today’s show, so you can decide ahead of time what the rest of your school year is going to look like.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Future Possibility

Throughout the month of January, we’ve been exploring what we think is possible and investigating all the things we think are impossible for us and why. You might have some personal and professional aspirations that feel like a stretch right now, but I’m offering to you this week that there are amazing goals within your reach that you’ve never even considered before.

Whether it’s expanding your skills as a school leader, balancing your time better, or wilder dreams like becoming a millionaire, your brain is probably telling you it’s simply not reasonable or possible. But the truth is every goal is impossible only until it’s conceived, and this week, I’m inviting you to use the concept of future possibility to go after what you want.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | The Balance of AND

Do you believe you can have a great life and a great career? What about making lots of money and being an amazing educator? What do you think you have to give up to achieve the next thing you want?

Our human brains love to live in the world of all-or-none, telling us we simply can’t have it all. This thinking is constantly reinforced throughout our lifetimes, so of course, we come to believe life is an all-or-none game. But I’m here this week to show you that you can have things that seem to contradict each other by leaning into the balance of AND.

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Do Not Fear Numbers

Throughout January, we’re going to cover four concepts that will help you reboot your brain and connect to the goals you want to achieve as a school leader as well as outside of school. And to kick off, I’m introducing you to a philosophy I teach and live by all about not fearing numbers. 

When it comes to school goals, so many of them are driven by numbers. Turn your mind to test scores, student attendance, behavior referrals… the list goes on. But there are also other goals that feel less measurable, like school climate, parent satisfaction, and leadership impact. And setting numbers as a measure of progress here can feel scary.

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