The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | When a Teacher Wants to Quit

A teacher comes to you upset, overwhelmed, and frustrated, telling you that they want to quit. They’re saying things like, “It’s not working, the kids aren’t making progress, and the job isn’t what I thought it would be.” You’re caught off guard, scared, and don’t know what to do.

Principals across the board are dealing with teachers who want to quit. They’re seeing new teachers who had a different idea of what the profession would look like, as well as veterans who just decide they can’t do it anymore. You’re going to have lots of thoughts and feelings about what they’re saying, and I’m showing you what you can do in these moments. 

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Working with Negative Teachers

I recently had a coaching conversation with a client who brought up the topic of working with negative teachers. You might have one, two, or even a handful of teachers on your campus who tend to be exceptionally negative. Do you know how to approach them in these instances?

Whether they often complain, whine, vent, or gossip, as principals, it’s very common to find yourself getting sucked into their negativity. You might get fired up in your judgments of them, wondering why they’re ruining your school, or thinking they should be more positive, and before you know it, you’re spewing negativity too. 

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Compounding Comebacks

Today, I’m talking to all school leaders, whether you’re new or a veteran who has ever felt the crushing agony of a past mistake or a recent failure. As humans, this happens to all of us. None of us are perfect, and we need to own the actions that led to undesired outcomes, and that’s where the concept of Compounding Comebacks comes in.

When a client comes to me reeling from a mistake they’ve made or feeling anguish at a defeat they’ve experienced, I remind them that it’s part of the human experience and that every adversity you face is an adversity you can overcome. So, even though it sucks right now, I’m showing you how to turn any failure into a win.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | The Stigma of Asking for Help

As a school leader, do you feel comfortable asking for the help you need? There is a stigma around asking for help, like there’s a societal opinion that it’s somehow shameful. Someway, we created this norm that it’s not okay to ask for help, so it’s time to unpack this stigma so you can start asking for what you need.

Why don’t you want to ask for help? We have an inherent belief that we can and should be able to figure things out on our own. I struggled with this for the longest time, but there was one simple thing that flipped the switch for me, and I’m sharing it with you in today’s episode.

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