The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Your Most Powerful Leadership Strategy (Back to Basics)

What makes a truly good leader? How can you create a legacy while maintaining your sustainability as an impactful leader? Is there a specific skill set you can learn to be a valuable and effective school leader without falling prey to overwhelm and burnout?

In this Back to Basics episode, I’m sharing the second most popular episode of The Empowered Principal® Podcast to date. It’s where I offer a strategy that will give you an incredible amount of leverage as a school leader, and it’s very likely not what you think it is. 

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Creating Buy-In for Your School Vision (Part 2) (Back to Basics)

You’re entering a brand new school year, which means this is the perfect time to map out your school vision. Last week, I gave you a refresher on the concept of your school vision and why you need one, and on this Back to Basics episode, I’m guiding you through the next step: creating buy-in for your school vision.

The truth is, your staff wants a leader to follow, and this episode will teach you exactly how to become that person. Simply laying out a vision you have for the next year isn’t enough to get buy-in. You need a compelling vision that your school community is so excited by that it’s a no-brainer, which means learning to articulate it in a way that’s interesting, engaging, and enticing.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Creating Your School Vision (Selling Your Vision, Part 1) (Back to Basics)

Welcome to week two of replays of our most valuable and popular podcast episodes! This week, I’m sharing part one of a two-part series on creating and selling your school vision. You’ll be entering a new school year very soon, which makes this the perfect time to map out your vision for your school and career.

In all my years of being a principal myself and now coaching them, I’ve seen a lot of lip service and intention when it comes to having and implementing a school vision. However, too many school leaders aren’t actually living by and leaning into their vision as a way of being, and that’s why I’m offering a process that will make it simple and doable.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Dealing with the Haters (Back to Basics)

Throughout the month of July, I’m highlighting the most popular and valuable episodes of The Empowered Principal™ podcast. Even if you have listened to them in the past, they’re definitely worth revisiting and doubling down on because of the impact they’ve had in helping principals navigate leadership.

This week, you’re hearing the top episode to date of the podcast: Dealing with the Haters. This is an experience every school leader fears, and it’s one most principals will have to deal with in some capacity at one point or another. It’s a fear that’s so visceral that we’ll do just about anything to avoid it, so I’m sharing my top tips for dealing with haters.

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