I was giving a talk recently at a conference. I asked somebody to come up and be coached, and the problem she wanted coaching with is that she feels like her superintendent has control over everything she does. Now, I’m sure she’s not the only person that feels this way, so I thought I’d address it on the podcast today.

Throughout September, we’ve discovered every facet of team-building and team-management. On this episode however, I want to talk about one of the most important teams you are a part of – and that is the two-person team consisting of just you and your boss. Read more

We are taught from a very young age, and we still teach kids today, that if we are upset, it’s because somebody else has done something to make us feel that way. Now, if you’re a regular listener, you will be familiar with the STEAR Cycle, essentially the concept that how we feel has nothing to do with anybody else but everything to do with our thoughts.

When something happens in our lives, that is a circumstance, and every circumstance is completely neutral. However, when we are in the heat and stress that school leadership can bring, it’s easy to lose sight of what is a circumstance (a fact) and what is our opinion about a circumstance (a thought). When these wires get crossed, we are not acting with the integrity required from a school leader.

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Last week on the podcast was all about building a solid foundation for your team, one which allows you to build a team that can withstand conflict and can work together towards a common goal. This week is taking that foundation and turning it into something truly effective.

Once we’ve built a team and put them to work, it’s only a matter of time before there are differences in opinion and a clashing of attitudes. This is inevitable in any environment, but when you throw the personality mix that you get within the teaching profession in, it can be really hard work maintaining your team unity, unless you are on top of it from the outset.

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We have now reached September, which means your kids are settling in and you’re starting to see how your staff for this year is shaking up to be. So with that in mind, the topic for the podcast this month is team-building.

When you’re building your various teams for the year and deciding who belongs where and who will work well together, there is so much to consider. And that’s not even the whole challenge. Building a great team is one thing, but what’s the secret to nurturing your team in a way that they are self-sufficient but they also respect you as their leader?

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