The Empowered Principal™ Podcast | Wrapping Up the Year

Welcome to the end of the school year, and happy summer! Whether you’re officially done with your school year, or you’re so close to the finish line that you can taste it, it’s time to dive into a process for wrapping up the year. 

Now, most of you want to check off all the to-do’s, slam your computer shut, lock your door, throw away the key, and run away for the summer. The last eight to 12 weeks of your year have probably felt very busy and chaotic with extra tasks that needed doing, like teacher observations, evaluations, testing, and all the end-of-year events. There is lots to wrap up and put a bow on, but it doesn’t end here. 

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast | Why Mental Health Matters

May was Mental Health Awareness Month, so I’m taking this episode to acknowledge and honor the intention behind it, and sharing the personal meaning it has for me. I’m sharing something very personal on this episode in the hopes that it helps you understand the value of your own mental and emotional wellness, and the cost of not making this work a priority for ourselves, those we lead, our students, and our community.

At the end of April, I learned that a very dear family friend ended her life. Today’s conversation is in honor of her, and I hope her life can lead to a legacy of normalizing conversations around physical, mental, and emotional wellness for every single person on our campus and in our school communities.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Lighter Leadership

As humans, and especially as leaders, we are so hard on ourselves. As women in education, we are incredibly critical of ourselves when something doesn’t go as we’d expected. We believe we’re missing something, we messed up, and we’re not cut out for this. Well, this is where the concept of lighter leadership comes in.

I had a realization the day I recorded this podcast around my own journey as an entrepreneur and a coach: our relentless self-criticism is tarnishing our experience of life. We are not letting ourselves enjoy the ride, and it needs to stop right now.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Handling the Emotions of Tragedy

As I’m sure you’re all aware, there has been another school shooting here in the United States. This time, 19 third, fourth, and fifth-grade children and two teachers were killed when a gunman entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

As the story unfolds, the details of what this school community has been through are terrifying and horrific. While I can’t offer the right words to take away the pain felt by everyone affected, all I can offer are words and the opportunity to process our thoughts and emotions around the tragedy these kids, parents, teachers, a whole community, and our country at large are going through.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Mentoring Vs. Managing

What is the difference between a mentor and a manager? All of us who are in school leadership need to be able to make this distinction because using authority alone to motivate your staff and get results is never going to work in the long term.

Even though we are the leader, we’re not better just because we’re in a position of authority. Our job is to be here to guide our teachers and staff. We need to coach, love, and support them. We’re here to be amazing leaders who truly believe in our teachers, and I’m showing you how in this episode.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Enhanced Communication

As a school leader, you’re facing lots of stressful situations on a daily basis. And as in any leadership situation, you’re going to be dealing with different types of people who have certain feelings about your work, some that aren’t always positive.

On top of that, you have your own emotion patterns, or what I call emotional “STEAR cycles”. You can’t just instantly react to every emotional outburst of your colleagues, so how do you reconcile your STEAR cycle with theirs?

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Enjoy the Last Weeks of the School Year (Part 2)

Last week, we discussed all the reasons why we don’t typically enjoy the last weeks of the school year. This week, I’m teaching you all of the how, and it all stems from the simple solution I gave you at the end of the last episode: planning your future is the key.

When you plan your future, that preparation allows you to experience those moments with presence. When you plan enjoyment, it’s already decided. You have the solutions you need to the problems you’ve anticipated. This is what makes all the difference, and I’m showing you how to make the most of it in this episode.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Enjoy the Last Weeks of the School Year (Part 1)

We are officially in May and you are reaching the finish line for this school year. First of all, congratulations! You have a handful of weeks left, so what are you doing to make sure you enjoy the last weeks of the school year? Or are you just dying for the last day of school so you can put this year behind you?

Last week, I held a webinar all about enjoying the last weeks of school before summer vacation. That training was full of gems and everyone who attended loved it, so in case you didn’t catch it, I’m bringing you a two-part overview of what I shared over there. So, if you want to make sure you have more fun and less stress as the year closes out, you’re in the right place.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast with Angela Kelly | Staffing Assignment Conversations

Many of you are at the point of the school year where you are now making decisions about staffing assignments for next year. You’re having to hold conversations with your staff about where they’re going to be placed in the next school year, and if you’re experiencing fear, doubt, or worry, you’re not alone. 

We want staffing assignment decisions to be a win-win for everyone involved. Unhappy teachers don’t serve anyone, and we need to consider their wants and needs. However, we don’t want these conversations to turn into an us-versus-them dynamic, where you’re stuck in a gridlock with your staff. So, how do we hold space for them while making the best decisions for our school? 

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The Empowered Principal Podcast with Angela Kelly | Your Most Powerful Leadership Strategy

Are you ready to be set free from never feeling like you’re in control of your happiness and wellness? Do you want a thriving school leadership experience without feeling burnt out, or like your work schedule is completely dictating your entire life? 

For most of us, our school leadership is colored with busyness and chaos. It’s part and parcel of the very nature of the job and it demands a lot of us. Being the visionary for our schools is fulfilling and rewarding, but executing our vision is also frustrating and disappointing, and often clouds our perspective, leaving us wondering, what are we even doing it for and why?

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