I used to believe the quote “You can’t have it all”.
I used it as my excuse as to why something wasn’t the way I wanted it to be.
I could have a great job, but not a great body.
I could be an amazing parent, but not an amazing partner.
Then I read a quote that said, “You can have it all, just not all at once.”
That sounded better.
I can experience all the amazing things about life, just not at the same time.
I could have a great job and a great body, but I’ll have to wait on that lover.
Wait a minute. What?
That’s still settling.
I want it all. At the same time.
Here’s the beautiful thing.
Having it all simply means choosing to see that you have it all.
Everything you need, you have.
Choosing to acknowledge that you have it all in this moment is what brings you the feeling of fulfillment.
Choosing to believe that you should have something you don’t have right now brings you discontent.
Either you have it all, or you don’t. Your choice.
I choose to have it all.