The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly |The Solution Cycle

What is a solution? The easiest reply to this question is, a solution is the answer to a problem. So, let’s go deeper. Where do solutions come from? Our brain is what generates solutions; new ideas that solve for a problem. So, how can you leverage your brain’s power to come up with solutions? That’s where the Solution Cycle comes in.

Thoughts create solutions, and what we spend time thinking about impacts the solutions we generate. What we believe is possible or impossible determines the level of solution we are able to offer our schools, so this week, I’m showing you a way of thinking that generates a different approach in coming up with solutions.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Your Capacity to be Extraordinary

This week, I’m sharing something personal with you that has challenged my mind deeply lately. I’m going through something which has invited me to question how I currently think, feel, and approach things in my business and in my personal life. So, I’m sharing this experience as I process it in real time because I know it will help you with anything you’re dealing with, personally or professionally, and help you see your capacity to be extraordinary in every area of your life.

So many people tell themselves that it’s fine for other people to be successful, and because they’re successful, they’re somehow different, like they had more support, more resources, that they’re smarter and they just have it easier. But the truth is, all of us as humans have the capacity to be extraordinary, and I’m showing you how to see that in this episode.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Success is Not a Multiple Choice Problem

You are here to change the world. That is why you signed up as an educator, to give your students and teachers the best possible chance of making an impact. However, so many school leaders believe they can’t do this work without burning out. But the truth is, success is not a multiple choice problem, and truly anything is possible.

This is your calling. Do not shy away from it because it’s too big or difficult, or you feel you’re boxed in by how you currently believe you need to approach school leadership. So, if your brain is feeding you unhelpful thoughts about your limitations as a school leader, listen up.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Fully Enjoy Your Holiday Break

Can you believe we’re in December? We’re fresh off the back of Thanksgiving in the US, and this is the time of year where, all over the world, we take a break. So, I’m here this week to set you up for a fully enjoyable Holiday season, whatever you’ve got planned.

Think back to the last time you had a significant break from school and how you spent that time. Were you as intentional about having the best experience possible during that time? Do you give your time off as much consideration as you give your work? As fulfilling as our work can be, it’s time to stop identifying solely as a school leader, and think about how to find purpose away from work as we close out the year.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Selling Your School Vision (Part 2)

Last week, we discussed the troubles so many principals have around their school vision, why many of you don’t have one, why this is a problem, and how to create a clear vision for your school. This week, we’re taking it a step further and talking about how to get people on board and sell your school vision to your community.

The first step here is communication. To create buy-in from your staff, you need to make your school vision understandable, compelling, and interesting. This isn’t going to be easy, but if you follow the steps I’m outlining in this podcast, you’ll have clarity around the vision you’ve created, and you’ll be able to articulate it to your superiors, your staff, and your whole school community.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Selling Your School Vision (Part 1)

The vision you have for your school is incredibly important. If you find that your staff and teachers don’t follow your lead as a principal, it’s possible that you don’t have a clear vision, or you’re not doing a great job of selling this vision. Well, after this episode and the next, you’ll not only have a clear vision for your school, but you’ll be able to sell that vision to your staff and your district. 

This episode is the perfect opportunity to grab yourself a drink, snuggle in with your favorite journal, and take notes because I’m diving into the problems leaders commonly encounter when creating a school vision and how to create a vision for your school, before next week where I take it a step further by working on how you to compel others and sell your whole school community on what you have planned.

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Coachability

Last week, we dove into teacher evaluations and making the process one that both you and your teachers find enjoyable and valuable. Well, one of the keys to effectively giving feedback is having your teachers be open to it. In other words, they have to be coachable. And as a school leader, you’ve got to consider how you do the very same thing you’re asking them to do. 

If you want your teachers to be coachable, you equally have to be open to it too. However, it’s not as easy as we think. Positive feedback feels amazing, but being challenged or questioned? That brings up a ton of resistance, which is a totally normal human reaction. So, how can we develop more coachability?

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Teacher Evaluation Philosophy

Teacher evaluations at the school leadership and district level are often seen as a compliance issue. There needs to be a formal process for observing and evaluating our teachers’ performances to best serve your school and community, and every industry has its own way of measuring employee performance.

However, if you’re dreading or procrastinating on your teacher evaluations and often find that they’re not particularly valuable or engaging to you or your teachers, you’re most definitely not alone. The good news is that you as a school leader can dive deeper and go beyond the surface of just checking boxes and aiming for ambiguous goals, and this is where your teacher evaluation philosophy steps in. 

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | The Fall Dip

We are in November, which means you’re fresh off of the most difficult month of the school year. October is such a challenging month, and most school leaders are ready for a break right about now. The Fall Dip is real and you are not alone. So, if you’re feeling the burn and you’ve already got one eye on Thanksgiving break, this episode is for you.

The Fall Dip is the mental, physical, and emotional fatigue that comes with starting up a brand-new school year. You’ve been onboarding, preparing schedules, dealing with professional development for yourself and your teachers, you’ve been to all the meetings, and it’s no surprise you’re exhausted. So, what can we do about the Fall Dip?

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The Empowered Principal™ Podcast Angela Kelly | Thoughts About Emotions

Emotions are a hugely important topic that I talk about on this podcast because emotional energy is the driving force behind every decision we make and action we take. If you’re a long-time listener here, you’ll be well versed in the importance of understanding and processing our emotions, but it was presented to me today by my master coach in a new and innovative way that I had to share with you too. 

Getting intimate with our emotions is the most vital tool you have access to as a human and school leader, and on this episode, you’ll hear my three-step emotional processing practice to help you create space for allowing all your emotions. However, we also have thoughts and opinions about the emotions we’re experiencing, and this is where there’s mind-blowing work to be done. 

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