One of my favorite tools to use with clients is the Wheel of Life.

This tool takes a peek into various areas of a client’s life.

The client rates an area of life on a scale from 10 to 1.

Then we discuss what would make each area a 10.

Here’s what’s fascinating.

The way we do anything is the way we do everything.

When we fail to return potential client phone calls, we know that we fail to follow up with our friends and family as well.

When we struggle to manage our time at home, we are also struggling to manage our time at work.

How we handle situations in one area of life is how we handle situations in all areas of our life.

If you find yourself asking, “Why does this always happen?” or “How do I always seem to get myself in this position?” you can rest assured that this is the anything/everything rule coming into play.

Why can’t get my work done on time?

How come I keep forgetting to pay my credit card bill on time?

Why do my relationships always come to an abrupt end?

When we struggle with time management, forget to do important tasks, and continue to end relationship after relationship, it impacts our lives across the board.

The key is to understand how you are handling a particular situation and ask yourself how it is impacting your life in other areas.

Where else in your life does the way you handle something to have a negative impact?

No need to change for now.  Just take notice.

You’ll be amazed at the patterns that emerge.

We say we want more clients, yet we don’t return calls in a timely manner.

We say we want a stronger body, yet we bail out on going to the gym.

We say we want more romance, yet we don’t stop to give our man a kiss when he arrives home from work.

We say we want close friends, but we cancel lunch dates and ignore text messages.

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