The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Creating Compassionate Norms

Today’s episode is a quick, down-and-dirty conversation about how to plan out norms. We’re already in October, but we still have time to establish and revisit norms in our schools. I’m giving you a strategy I use with my clients when it comes to planning out norms and getting others to follow them from a place of compassion.

Discussions about norms are one of those things that make people roll their eyes. You do them every year, and it can feel like they don’t matter. However, they establish a standard and expectation for collaboration and meeting behaviors, and they’re super important for getting things done. It’s time to talk about creating compassionate norms.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Women Leaders: Be Seen, Heard, and Taken Seriously Dr. Payal Patel Ghayal

As a school leader, you may find yourself in a constant cycle of giving endlessly. Do you believe you haven’t done enough for your school, even if you feel like you have nothing left to give? Whether it’s your staff, students, the district, school board, or state, are you telling yourself it’s always someone else’s turn to be seen and heard before you? 

Women leaders, and especially women leaders of color, tend to feel less seen, heard, and taken seriously as leaders. My guest on the show this week is certified life coach and Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Payal Patel Ghayal, who is an expert in helping Brown women advocate for themselves. Her mission is one that speaks to me deeply, and we’re here to have a conversation about taking back control over your mental, physical, and emotional needs.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | 5 Strategies to Avoid the Fall Dip

It’s October, which means it’s a beautiful month of colorful leaves, costumes, and candy, but for school leaders, it’s one of the most exhausting times of the year. The fall dip is hitting schools left, right, and center, so in today’s episode, I’m showing you what you can do when you start experiencing the fall dip.

You’ve been going full blast since July, hiring, onboarding, planning, preparing, meeting, and getting things moving. October comes around and things are humming, but we’re exhausted. So, if you want some tips for getting through this tough month, this is the episode for you.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Your Emotions Are Valid

Our emotions are the hardest thing we have to navigate as school leaders and humans in general. What’s often difficult about anything we’re finding hard or challenging, whether in your career or personal life, is the way it feels. That’s why, on this episode, I’m sharing the art of processing your emotions.

Your emotions are your internal compass. It’s the only way your body can communicate with your brain, and you should listen to what it has to say. It makes sense if you find yourself chasing pleasure by trying to extinguish all negative emotion. However, I want to offer that there is a valid reason for any intense emotion being present, and I’m showing you how to get intimate with it.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Make Peace with Time

You’re now at the point in your school year where you’ve been at it for a few months. This means the initial honeymoon period of excitement and enthusiasm has likely worn off, and your mind is racing about how there’s so much left to do and not enough time to get it all done.

We’ve been led to believe that we need to have a combative relationship with time. We say things like, “I don’t have time,” or “Time slipped away from me,” and we use time as a scapegoat for why we’re unhappy or for not accomplishing the things we truly want to do. The truth is we’ve been sold on this oppressive framework of time, but we can begin building a beautiful relationship with it instead.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | How to Leverage Systems to Become a Better School Leader with Katie Novak and Kristan Rodriguez

What systems do you need in place to be your efficient and effective version of a school leader? Where do you start? And how can you think about systems you create as a leader in a way that is forward-facing for all learners?

This week, I’m joined by Katie Novak and Kristan Rodriguez to have an important conversation about how leveraging systems can help you become a better school leader. Katie is the founder and executive director of Novak Education: an organization renowned for designing and delivering professional development on UDL, MTSS, and leadership practices. Kristan is the founder of Commonwealth Consulting Agency LLC: an organization dedicated to providing professional development, training, and consulting services to educational organizations and agencies.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Mastering Your Time: Attending Meetings and Scheduling Substitutes

What are you worried you’ll lose when school is back in session? This is a question I recently posed to my Facebook community, and the overwhelming response I received from school leaders was regarding their time. That’s why we’re diving into managing your thoughts about time on this episode, specifically as it relates to meetings and finding substitutes.

As school leaders, you live in a world of meetings, whether that’s with teachers, parents, stakeholders, or your district – the list goes on. Another pain point that many principals experience is spending time securing substitute teachers. While these aspects of your job might make you think you’re losing valuable time, I’m offering you a more empowered way to think about these situations today.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | The Student Journey Experience

This week, I’m sharing an exercise that I developed with one of my clients at the end of last year. In our conversation about her plans for the upcoming school year, she shared that one of the key aspects she wanted to learn, moving forward, was the skill of coaching her teachers the same way I coached her.


And with that goal in mind for all of you, we came together to create an exercise you can use with your staff at the beginning of the school year to set the tone for what’s to come. The purpose of this exercise is to bring your focus back on who you’re here to serve: your students. You have to consider what needs to be in place for them to be successful, and I’m breaking it all down for you on this episode.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | The Value of Meeting with Teachers

This week, I’m inviting you to decide, at the beginning of the school year, to meet regularly with your teachers. I know it seems like one more thing to add to your already full plate as a school leader, but I promise it’s extremely valuable.


You likely intellectually understand the power of meeting with your teachers. It’s a solid practice that serves your entire school community. However, you also probably realize that it’s one of the first things to fall off your plate as the year ramps up and things get busy. Regardless of emergencies, student disciplinary issues, or parent meetings, you can make time for it, and I’m here to show you how.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Your Decision Lens

From micro to macro decisions, you make decisions all day long as a school leader. The truth is that your decisions determine your results 100% of the time. This makes paying close attention to and being intentional about your decision-making process a vital part of leading your school and community. 

No matter how big or small, you make every decision through what I call a ‘decision lens.’ Your decision lens is essentially composed of a set of values and priorities that you use to determine the decisions you’re going to make. It directly impacts whether or not you achieve the goals you’ve set, create the experiences you want to have, and offer the value you intend to contribute.

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