When I was a principal, I would get home from school and my husband would ask me a simple question, like where would I like to go for dinner. And at the end of a long day, I remember that the idea of making another decision sounded painful. And I know that I’m not alone in this experience.

As school leaders, we make decisions all day long and it can be extremely taxing to our brains. Not all of them are big decisions, but they all take a little (or a lot) out of us. Have you really considered how you make decisions and what goes into reaching them? I want to bring some awareness to our decision-making process this week because the way we make decisions impacts everything in our lives.


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Back when I was working as a principal, the word accountability used to make me a little bit nervous, and I know I’m not alone. In those days, fear was the main motivator used by my superiors for hitting our targets. However, today, I want to talk about accountability that comes from a place of love.

We know that holding ourselves to account can be difficult. Sometimes we say to ourselves that we’re going to hit the gym after work, but then, when the time comes, the motivation to go just isn’t there. And when it comes to holding others accountable, things get a whole lot trickier.


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We are now into the second half of the school year, and I hope you’re all rejuvenated after the winter break. This is the perfect time to talk about how to take a good look at our beliefs and begin the process of renewing our faith in them.

The best part of a brand-new year is the anticipation of what is possible in our future. We love a new year so much is because we spend time before January planning and dreaming of the impact we can make on our own lives and our school, and we have a clean slate with which to do it.


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Today, I have two very special guests on the show. First, I have the creator of The Main Idea, Jenn David-Lang. The Main Idea was developed with the thought that school leaders are so busy working in the field that they struggle to make time to research all the latest strategies and resources available that would actually help them become better leaders. I found The Main Idea incredibly useful when I was a principal, and I know you will too.

I also have Kim Marshall, founder of the Marshall Memo, on the show. Kim condenses vast amounts of information into an easily digestible format to keep school leaders informed of the journals and articles coming out on the subject of education. Jenn and Kim have recently collaborated on the book The Best of The Marshall Memo, and I’m thrilled to have them both on the show with me this week!


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