The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Executive Function Strategies for Leaders, Teachers, and Students with Candace Heiken

You could probably think of one student right now who seems to demonstrate lazy or defiant classroom behavior. Maybe they just can’t get started on a simple worksheet, can’t get their desk organized, or turn in their homework on time. What’s going on here? And what does executive functioning have to do with it?

To illuminate what’s really going on behind challenging classroom behaviors, this week, I’m speaking to Candace Heiken: the founder of Lively Minds Institute and Cerebrate. With over 25 years in education, Candace is on a mission to cultivate independent, life-long learners through the development of executive function skills, and she’s here to share why prioritizing executive function instruction leads to an all-round win for everyone in your school community.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Coaching Up

I recently had a conversation with a client who was feeling out of alignment with her district leadership’s decisions and actions. This is a common experience for many school leaders, where you’re given instructions that don’t sit right with you, you feel disagreement and frustration percolating, and you don’t understand their thought process.

Coaching up is a tool that will help you navigate difficult conversations with anyone who has positional authority over you. If you want to advocate for your school community while reducing conflict with your superiors at the same time, coaching up is the secret to igniting awareness and getting everyone on the same page.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Dad Principals

This episode goes out to all the dad principals out there navigating your roles as school leader, father, and spouse. I’ve spoken to a number of my male clients who are struggling to figure out how to experience joy while running a school and supporting their families, and I’m sharing my insights with you this week.

It’s common to feel trapped being both a school leader and a parent, and it can be challenging to ask for space to fulfill your individual desires. Your brain may offer that you simply don’t have the time or permission to play, have fun, and do things that bring you joy when you have other priorities, but balance is possible and I’m showing you how.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly |

Why are student behaviors so intense this year? Why does pressure feel like it’s at an all-time high right now? Why are teachers and staff members so discontent? Why does this job feel harder than ever before? Why is this all happening?

These are some of the questions principals and district leaders are asking themselves and presenting to me as their coach. Our brains love to stay swimming in questions, but in coaching, we don’t let questions go unanswered. That’s why this week, I’m showing you how to deconstruct and actually answer the questions you’re asking yourself right now.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Stop Fixing Things

The fall dip is real, and my clients are navigating their way through it right now. They want to have fun and enjoy their jobs, but it feels impossible when everything feels chaotic, messy, and overwhelming, and it seems emergencies are popping up everywhere to tend to.

As a principal, you may be expected to fix everything, but it’s not actually your job to do so. If you feel called to attend to every problem that comes up, whether it’s with your staff, teachers, or students, listen in to hear how it’s having undesirable effects you may not be able to see right now.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Feeling Unappreciated

One of the most common themes I hear in my conversations with teachers, support staff, district leaders, and site leaders is that they feel unappreciated. Feeling unappreciated can show up in a variety of flavors, so it’s time to dig into what’s truly going on.

There is no amount of reassurance that other people can provide us with that will generate the feeling of appreciation. Feeling resentful for going the extra mile or like you’re being taken advantage of is an extremely disempowered way to lead your school. The good news is your leadership experience doesn’t have to stay this way because appreciation is always an internal job.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Allow Hard. Expect Hard. Too Much Hard.

As a principal, you dig hard work. You didn’t sign up for school leadership thinking it would be easy. However, if you find yourself feeling perpetually busy, trying to spin multiple plates at once, and believing you have too much to do and not enough hours in a day, it’s time to understand what hard really means.

There’s an important distinction between allowing things to be hard, expecting things to be hard, and taking a break when something is too hard. I’ve been exploring this for myself in both my personal and professional life, and being able to differentiate between these three types of hard has been profound. 

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Emotional Literacy

I was working with a client recently who was feeling triggered, frustrated, and defensive because a member of her team has been showing up in a way she considers inappropriate. It’s a difficult situation when one of your teachers isn’t meeting the standards of your school culture, but I believe the solution lies in understanding emotional literacy.

If you’re having trouble dealing with a staff member who isn’t showing up the way you expect them to, today’s episode is for you. We often believe that the way our staff behaves is a reflection of us as a principal, and that doesn’t feel great. You might think it’s your place as a leader to fix other people, but there’s a better way to approach these uncomfortable scenarios.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Allowing Joy

Do you think being in a leadership position means you must sacrifice yourself in favor of productivity and success? Where in your life do you feel like you can’t embrace moments of joy?

My clients often find themselves judging the things that bring them joy in their lives, whether big or small. They may believe it’s too trivial or luxurious to experience joy and happiness, and as a result, they deny themselves what is inherently their right as humans. The truth is that expanding your capacity for joy is a practice, and you might be using a lack of joy as an excuse for not having the experience you desire.

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The Empowered Principal® Podcast Angela Kelly | Handling Public Scrutiny

As a school leader, you are a public figure. As a public figure, people believe they have the right to scrutinize you for any misstep or mistake you make. This is something you may face at some point in your career if you haven’t already, and it can be an extremely scary experience.

We are wired for connection and belonging as humans, and being publicly scrutinized can make us feel like we’re being ostracized and isolated. I want to reassure you this week that it’s okay to be a human who makes mistakes and show you what you can do when nothing in your external world feels safe.

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