Change Fatigue

As I’m sure you’re painfully aware at this point, 2020 has been no joke. So much has been going on, and just as you get into the swing of things, another curveball is thrown your way and all of your plans go out the window. This has led to our schools being impossible to operate in the way our leaders had intended, and has resulted in a considerable amount of mental and emotional anguish.

School leaders everywhere are deep in the throes of change fatigue, and this would have a profound impact on anybody’s ability to do their job. But when you throw dozens of staff and hundreds of students into the mix, it can be truly debilitating. So, it’s time to take a deep dive into change fatigue, what it is, and what we can do about it.

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Getting to Know Yourself Personally

You, as a school leader, are not just a principal. You are so much more than your job title. And this is really easy to forget when you’re consumed with your day-to-day tasks. We take this job very seriously, as we should. But sometimes we take it so seriously that we forget to enjoy it at all.

When I was a principal, I truly believed that school leaders who had fun at work were not taking their jobs seriously. However, it turns out that this couldn’t be further from the truth. I was making life harder than it needed to be, I’d lost connection with who I was as a person, and I don’t want that for you. So today, I want to help you reconnect with that side of yourself so you can truly enjoy your job.

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Your Professional Relationship With Yourself

2020 is almost at an end, and I’m sure you could not be more thrilled. And while this year has been incredibly challenging, it’s also given us a profound growth opportunity. 2020 has changed us in so many ways, so for the month of December, I want to talk about who we are and our relationship with ourselves, both professionally and personally.

I’ve had so many clients achieving their goals even in the midst of this chaotic and unpredictable pandemic, which has been absolutely amazing to witness. And a huge part of that comes from understanding who they are as a principal and allowing themselves to be vulnerable with themselves, so that’s what I’m exploring today.

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Teletherapy Lessons for School Leaders with Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge

It has been the Empowered Principal mission to aid the emotional and mental health of school leaders, staff, students, and the wider school community since I started this work. This pandemic has brought a lot of issues around mental health to the surface. So now, it’s more important than ever that you have the tools to help serve your school in this way, and I have the perfect guest to share them.

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge a certified school psychologist, an award-winning children’s mental health expert, and the author of her new book Teletherapy Toolkit. Roseann is on a mission to change the way we view and treat mental health, and she is here to guide you through this process.

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Accelerate Your Accomplishments

I’m going to coach you hard on today’s episode, empowered leaders. My goal for you always is to accelerate your growth and empowerment, and my own level of thought work and coaching has been improving at such a rapid rate that I felt I needed to share it with you here.

Today, I’m speaking to those of you who want all of your goals met, who want to become influential and impactful school leaders. I’m breaking down the core concepts that I teach my one-to-one clients to show you why these are non-negotiable if you want to create tangible results and be able to inspire others into action to reach their goals and your school’s goals.

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Everyone is New at Something

This month on the podcast we’ve been focusing on new leaders. But the truth is, all leaders are new at something and this has never been more relevant than throughout 2020. Of course, our education system had problems before, but school leaders have had to constantly react this year. And this has led to some incredibly difficult and uncomfortable decisions.

Teachers and administrators are all feeling new to the pandemic, to online learning, to hybrid learning, and to returning to in-person learning. So, even if you have kids back on campus full-time, the way you’re approaching your day is going to be very different compared to years past. And when things are this new to our brains, we need to start taking a different approach.

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New Leader Emotions

Throughout this month, we’re talking about what it’s like to be a new leader, and this week’s episode is all about the emotions that inevitably surface for all new principals. We all have a vision of what it’s going to be like when we land the job as a principal. We look to our examples, people we’ve worked under when we were teachers. But the reality is always more challenging and chaotic than we could have ever imagined.

The good news is, this is the case for every new leader and this is all part of the process of developing the skills required to become a veteran principal. But right now, it’s so easy to get caught up in all of the emotions and helplessness of taking on this new role and believing that the job is too hard or that you don’t have the skillset needed to be a success. Well, if this sounds familiar, don’t worry because I’ve been exactly there, and I’m going to help you navigate it.

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Self-Concept Evolution

I can’t believe November is already here, and I can’t wait to share this month’s content with you. We are diving into the topic of being new, which all of us can relate to in some capacity, and today, we’re focusing on the self-concept evolution that’s necessary when you step into your role as principal.

If you think back to when you first landed your leadership role, you probably discovered that the excitement and anticipation you felt quickly turned into doubt, confusion, and overwhelm about your abilities. Maybe you underestimated the amount of effort required, or the skillsets you needed to develop, and this is where the evolution of your self-concept comes in.

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Stop Worrying About Money with Keina Newell

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the importance of an abundant mindset when it comes to money, and my guest this week has the perfect insights for us. Keina Newell has a history in education, having been a vice principal. She is also the founder of Wealth Over Now, where she works with professional women and solopreneurs to create new possibilities with their money so they can save more, pay off debt, invest in themselves, and stress less about money.

Keina has some incredible insights into the positive changes you can make in your school once you get clear on your personal finances. She is so passionate about her work and finds no greater satisfaction than helping her clients start managing their money with joy because they’ve learned to feel possibility where they once felt shame, guilt, overwhelm and anxiety. And I know from personal experience how debilitating those emotions can be as a school leader.

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Identifying Your Money Motivators with Adam Day

Something I’ve been working on and one of the skillsets I’ve wanted to build in myself is truly understanding my money and the behavioral finance element behind it. I have the perfect guest to talk to us about this today. I’m so excited to introduce you to my personal financial planner, Adam Day.

As school leaders, knowing how to approach money and manage the resources available isn’t exactly taught to us and it definitely wasn’t on my radar when I was a principal. Figuring out budgets can be extremely complicated, and it’s no surprise if you find yourself hoarding money or spending money to the detriment of your school’s finances. The way we think about our resources has a huge impact on the way you make decisions and lead your school, and this is what we’re diving into today.

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