The Empowered Principal: The ONLY certified life and leadership mentorship program for school leaders.

Personalized professional learning that will ACTUALLY meet your needs.

Your job as principal is one of the most demanding positions in a school district. You’re responsible to all yet work in isolation and receive little to no support. The to-do list is miles long only to be sidetracked by constant interruptions. At the end of the day, you wonder what actually got done. The expectations are so overwhelming that your effort starts to feel insufficient, leaving you to wonder if this job will ever feel better.

In a frantic search for help, you find books and articles that offer time hacks and leadership tips.  While they make logical sense, they typically don’t provide the lasting support you need.  Your job is more complex than that. You’re in the business of people – and working with people is complicated.

I’ve been a principal and I’ve experienced the overwhelm, exhaustion, and discouragement that comes with leading a school. I desperately wanted to learn how to love my job and have some sense of accomplishment and balance in my life. After years of struggling, I finally found the solution and was able to turn chronic stress into confidence, ease, and joy.

I designed a new approach to professional learning that offers ongoing, personalized support in real time.  You’ll get the exact support you need with whatever challenge you’re currently facing. It’s like having someone in your corner at all times. You’ll learn how to gracefully interact with difficult people, gain control over your schedule, let go of people pleasing, align to your values as a leader, make empowered decisions, and create time for balance and self-care.

Sound like a dream come true? It was for me and it can be for you. Sign up for a free call with me and I guarantee we’ll discover one takeaway that will make your job easier right away.

Here’s a sample of what we can cover

Authentic connections with students, parents, staff, and colleagues

Confidence in decision-making

Professional and personal balance

Efficient time and workload management

Effective organization strategies

Job and life satisfaction

Improved relationship with yourself and others

Aligned Leadership

Living with enthusiasm, courage, energy, and purpose

Contact Me Today for Your Free Introductory Call

Contact me here or call (650)799-7874 to schedule your appointment.